The Doctor
is in
Your direct path to finding love
Single to Engaged Course
This coaching program will get you into complete alignment and take you from single to engaged in 1 year. We will uncover your blocks, fears, unconscious beliefs and patterns that have kept you from finding lasting love. You will learn how to not only access the path to love, but STAY on it and do things differently as you navigate relationships. If you're ready for real love and commitment, this program is for you.
This is a 12 Week/ Module Online Course: This reveals all the secrets to dating. The modules map out the exact steps to create lasting love. Videos and exercises that will bring you into total alignment that will give you access to the top 1% of partners. Click below for more info...

Dating Community
Do You Feel Like You’ve Been Dating Forever but Can’t Seem to Find THE ONE? Stop Dating and Find Actual Love!
Join my dating group and community if you:
Are burnt out from dating but still hope to find love
Do you keep getting disappointed by people that seem promising?
Have difficulty navigating awkward exchanges, situations or conflict with someone new
Feel like no matter how much you give, you never get the same in return
Want someone to just lay out a plan for you so that dating is easy, clear and you know exactly what to do to meet a high quality partner

This course is the absolute cheat sheet to dating and relationships and will reveal the 10 essential qualities and behaviors of healthy partners.
Now you’ll know exactly what qualities to look for and how to assess for them in the dating world. No longer settling for chemistry or mistaking chemistry for compatibility.
Unconscious Attraction
A personalized review of what type of person you are wired to be attracted to (but likely can’t love you the way you need to be loved).
When you can gain understanding of this wiring and the blind spots that hold you back, finding love becomes easy and the patterns that have been subconsciously working in the background shift so you can finally access healthy, lasting love.