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Resident Doctor
Clinical Psychologist on
the Ópenhouse podcast

Over 150,000 Monthly Downloads
Top 10 in the UK and USA Mental Health Apple charts



Dr. Tari has published two books, Every Relationship is a Test 
and InstaTRUTHS

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Are you burnt out by dating but still aren’t in a fulfilling relationship? Are you continually disappointed by men but can’t figure out what you are doing wrong? You are not alone. Every Relationship is a Test reveals the path to having and keeping a fulfilling relationship by teaching you to bypass the most common mistakes women make in love and dating. Dr. Tari Mack will unveil that every potential partner we meet is a test from the Universe—a test calling us to do our specific inner work and finally move past the lessons that keep showing up ...

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A year of miracles. This book will empower readers to change the way they show up in their lives and relationships, help them recognize their worth, set boundaries that feel honoring, and create the change they may be longing for. Dr. Tari Mack shares wisdom from her own journey of healing as well as her 20+ years of clinical experience helping people navigate life, relationships, and owning the truth of their stories. This book combines spiritual, psychological and emotional truths to help each reader access their inner power ....




" I cut straight to the truth and tell you exactly what I see that will put you on your direct path to love. Sometimes I may tell you things you don't want to hear but they will be said gently and with love. I will help you see what you can't see, so you can get out of your own way and find healthy love. "

Dr Tar in action

Dr. Tari In Action

Mistakes To Avoid During Cuffing Season

Mistakes To Avoid During Cuffing Season
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Mistakes To Avoid During Cuffing Season
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Can A Relationship Survive Infidelity
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Should I Get A Divorce Signs It Might Be Time to Call It Quits
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Dr. Tari works with brands to bring personal development and mental health into spaces not normally speaking about these important topics. Dr. Tari, along with The OpenHouse Podcast hosted two live healing workshops for Sol de Janeiro , a global body and skin care company, called "Love All Your Layers". The workshop focused on the concept of self-love and protective mechanisms that we all develop throughout life that prevent us from connecting and loving our true selves. These revolutionary workshops captured audiences and were received with gratitude and extraordinary feedback and elicited vulnerability and self-reflection from all involved.

Media Inquiry

Dr. Tari has appeared on tv, podcasts and in magazines, and has partnered with brands worldwide sharing her direct and transformational relationship advice with global audiences. Inquire here to invite Dr. Tari to be an expert on your TV show, project, stage, podcast, or article.

Chicago, IL

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Core Belief

What we long for is meant for us and no one can save us or make us happy  - we have to learn to do that for ourselves. What we want is waiting for us and we have to do the work to access it. Life should be peaceful and joyful and we get tests/lessons in life based on what we need to learn and how we need to grow. These tests and lessons show up in our dating life as well. Everything is always working out for us, our thoughts create our reality, what we focus on grows, and the quality of our life depends on our thoughts and actions.

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